“Acknowledging the immense need for the spread of the Gospel throughout young adult culture, we purpose to fulfill the Great Commission by helping young adults say YES to God, so that they may discover and experience the lives they were made for— to the glory and fame of Jesus Christ.”
thursday nights: vision
VISION is a gathering of young adults and college students that takes place on Thursday nights at 7 p.m. We gather each week to experience powerful fellowship, worship and relevant Bible teaching. Our studies are uniquely designed to not only teach the doctrinal truths of God's Word, but also to encourage young adults to apply those truths to their everyday lives.
community groups
Young Adult Community Groups meet each Sunday morning at 9 a.m. Corryton provides a great opportunity for young adults to experience great worship and hear solid, relevant truth from the Word of God during our 10:15 a.m. service. These Young Adult Community Groups are an excellent place to connect with other believers.
our beliefs
As part of the Young Adult ministry of Corryton Church, we believe that the Bible is God’s complete and infallible revelation to man. Scripture is the final word on our beliefs and practices. We believe the Bible is not just a book of history or even theology, but is intensely personal. It not only teaches us how to get to heaven, but also how to have meaningful and personal relationship with God right now. The timeless principles of God’s Word show us how to discover and experience the lives we were created to live.
Our studies are uniquely designed to not only teach the doctrinal truths of Christianity, but also to encourage young adults to apply those truths to their everyday lives. We teach and believe that eternal life is not merely a future-oriented measurement of time, but a quality of existence found only in an ever-present relationship with Jesus Christ.