"Living Water" and Relationships
In John 4:7-19, Jesus meets the Samaritan woman at the well and offers her Living Water—the only thing that can truly satisfy. We, like her, are all born with a hole in our souls, and we often look to relationships to fill it. But when we expect people to meet a need only God can fill, we set ourselves up for disappointment.
Why Relationships Disappoint
We expect others to complete us
We use people instead of truly loving them
We get frustrated and move on, searching for fulfillment elsewhere
The Key to Healthy Relationships
The best thing you can do for your relationships is to become whole in Christ
We don’t have what we need to be whole
Jesus does—and He came to give it to us
Wholeness isn’t a one-time experience—it’s a life we live
If you want to transform your relationships, start by allowing Christ to transform you.
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