"Living Water" and Relationships

In John 4:7-19, Jesus meets the Samaritan woman at the well and offers her Living Water—the only thing that can truly satisfy. We, like her, are all born with a hole in our souls, and we often look to relationships to fill it. But when we expect people to meet a need only God can fill, we set ourselves up for disappointment.

Why Relationships Disappoint

  • We expect others to complete us

  • We use people instead of truly loving them

  • We get frustrated and move on, searching for fulfillment elsewhere

The Key to Healthy Relationships

  • The best thing you can do for your relationships is to become whole in Christ

  • We don’t have what we need to be whole

  • Jesus does—and He came to give it to us

  • Wholeness isn’t a one-time experience—it’s a life we live

If you want to transform your relationships, start by allowing Christ to transform you.

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